Creating a profile is the initial step in becoming a host! To help potential renters feel comfortable storing their belongings in your space, we recommend completing your profile. Simply visit your Profile page to upload a profile picture and write a warm and welcoming bio that showcases your personality and hosting style.
On the PeerVault homepage, click “Add Your Space” at the top right to get started! You will insert information about your space, add pictures, and more! After you submit your listing, there will be a quick review process by our team and then it will go live!
When a potential renter sends a reservation request, you will receive an email. If you have our mobile app with push notifications enabled, you will also be alerted through the app.
After you receive a reservation request, you will have 24 hours to approve or decline the request. You can view the request in your Dashboard and see what items the renter wants to store and for how long. Our renters need storage quickly, so if you do not respond before the 24 hours are up, the request will automatically expire.
For 1 week, 2 weeks and 1 month term, the Renter is charged at the time of requesting for a reservation. If you accept the request, the Renter can start utilising the space. If you reject the request, the deducted amount will be refunded to the renter automatically within a few days.
For Monthly Payment, when you approve a reservation request, the renter is immediately billed for the first month of rental. Subsequent monthly charges occur automatically on the renewal date to cover the entire rental period. For security and protection, all payments must be made through the PeerVault platform.
You can submit a payout request from your account dashboard in the payout section after adding your bank details.
You can find all the details regarding payouts on the Dashboard in the Payouts sections.
You can do the following actions from the Payouts section:
You can opt in for an Insurance coverage offered by PeerVault to protect your property against any damage caused by the renters.
For security and protection, always message renters through the PeerVault platform. Do not share your address, phone number, or other contact information directly.